My 50 Arts + +

I run through my old papers at home yesterday & found these stuffs... I just thought of sharing this side of me...

A collection of my drawings.
High school craze, college projects & just any expression of my art! ^^

The below note is a Preface to my little art book called MY 50 ARTS. ( + + stands for extra or additional drawings from my CNU project)


I first started doing these stuffs when I was in the last quarter of my 4th year High School days. It was like I casually do more of this when I’m in the mood to do so. That’s why it took me 2 years plus to finish this personal project. Actually I have planned to make it 100 but it makes me tired. ^^ 
Yet I’m happy to complete this one which I call “MY 50 ARTS”. It showcases some personal arts, then others are not really that nice at all but I still find them great! After all I’m the one who made it! Hahaha

I just want to have a remembrance of those things when I am 15,16-18… And that one day when I get old & see this project or craft,,, I’ll smile and say “this was me”.

Faces, places, billboards, life and others. That’s what you can see inside. I don’t promise to present crafts like that of Michael Angelo and the rest of the best painters… as you open each pages it simply give you leisure (if u like it) and a hint of who I am way back… Pick your favorite coz I even myself have 5 out of the 50 (or more). 

Hope you’ll enjoy checking this one!!! Thanks.

Dated: May 2003.

The mini-cover of my book.

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